Eurostar Sale
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You can still find our cheapest tickets from Brussels to London, Paris, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Cologne below.
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Terms and conditions
Travelling to and from London
Tickets from €44
*Tickets from €44 per person one way based on a mandatory return trip in Eurostar Standard from Brussels-Midi/Zuid to London St Pancras International, for travel between 18/03/2025 and 28/05/2025 . Subject to availability. Availability varies according to dates and times. Blackout dates may apply. The earlier you book, the more availability. Correct as at 29/01/2025.
Travelling between Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Germany
Tickets from €29
*Price for tickets in Eurostar Standard class for one way journey made on Eurostar to/from Brussels Midi/Zuid, Antwerpen Centraal, Liège Guillemins, Rotterdam Centraal, Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam Centraal. Subject to availability.
*Price for tickets in Eurostar Standard class for one way journey made on Eurostar to/from Paris Nord, Marne-La-Vallée Chessy, Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, Brussels Midi/Zuid, Antwerpen Centraal, Liège Guillemins. Subject to availability.
Flexible tickets conditions
You can now change your Eurostar Standard/Eurostar Plus ticket as many times you want with no fee up to one hour before travel, giving you more flexibility than ever before. If your new ticket is more expensive, you’ll pay the difference. If your new ticket is cheaper, the difference will not be refunded. You can also get a refund up to 7 days before travel for €25/£25/$40. View our flexible ticket conditions.